Friday, August 1, 2014


So what do you cook on the evening before you leave for vacation or in my case leave for the weekend?
Well at our house we have Mustgo as in everything in the fridge "must go" it can get a little interesting sometimes.
I don't know why i am this way but i hate to waste things, i think everything needs to be used or made into something else, of course i have to pitch stuff now and then but i don't want to waste GOOD stuff.
So tonight i had some GOOD stuff in the fridge and decided to cook it all up together and it was SO GOOD!

My son came home from work and asked the daily question "whats for dinner"? i said MUSTGO...i got the eye roll...

So I had a chicken breast, some bacon, zucchini, onion, mushrooms, feta and cilantro.....

cut up the zucchini, onion & mushrooms, toss with a little olive oil, salt & pepper....

I grilled mine but you could roast in the oven as well, after its done i added the bacon & chicken....

 without feta and cilantro for Jake

WITH feta and cilantro for ME :), those are 2 things that i LOVE LOVE LOVE!

so Mustgo will look different every time we make it, but this i will make again, SO GOOD and fit into my diet, I'm trying to stay low carb and this was perfect!


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