Thursday, August 7, 2014

Corn Roast

What food can make you travel approx. 1100 miles for? well in my case it was roasted corn, its a family tradition to have a corn roast in the summer when the sweet corn is sweet and incredibly delicious!

As a kid i didn't like to eat sweet corn on the cob, i didn't like how it would stick in my teeth, but at some point in my adult life i developed a liking for corn on the cob, ( there are always toothpicks...right?) 
SO once a year we gather the whole family together and build a BIG fire and have a corn roast!

WARNING:  there will be butter dripping off your chin and elbows and your fingers will be buttery & salty and sticky....YES its that kind of meal....
but so worth it!

Start with a boat load of corn, always get some extra for those that get lost or burned up in the fire,
leave the corn in the husk and soak in cold water for at least a couple hours and up to 6 hours.

This is one piece of equipment needed, definitely not what i usually use for cooking but hey THIS is not your normal kind of cooking experience.

More equipment....or more like man toys!

 The guys made this big grate thing, hooked it onto the Gradall so they can lower it onto the fire.

unhook the grate thing and use the bucket to completely cover the corn with the hot ashes, oh men and their toys........

Note from Merle: You want to make sure the corn is completely covered, if it is exposed at all it will burn.
 Stand back and admire your handiwork :)

 ....About 45 min and the corn was ready!!

hook the grate back up to the Gradall, and lift the corn and dump :)

It may not look that great here but underneath the husk is perfectly roasted sweet corn.

We melt the butter and brush it on with a pastry brush, works great!

Some have some burnt areas, those are my favorites! great smoky flavor with or without the burnt spots.

 Way too cute!!

And this concludes another corn roast for the Miller/Weaver family.

This could totally be done on a smaller scale, but in this family we don't really like to do things in a small way :)

My nephew was watching all the guys with all their tractors and equipment, turns to me and says, "all this just for corn?" but the smile on his face above says....all is good!


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