Friday, August 22, 2014

Fresh Peach Crumb Pie

have you ever cut into a peach and it was like a piece of foam? I have! and it really annoys me when that happens! I probably paid good money for the peaches and now i may as well have put my money down the garbage disposal, I DO NOT like to waste things....or money...or peaches.

BUT give me a beautiful, juicy just right ripe peach and ....OH MY LOVE LOVE! nothing says summer quite like a fresh juicy peach.
so i had these really nice peaches and i remembered this pie my mom used to make, i don't think she ever used a recipe, she just used a bit of this and a bit of that, so i had to call her today a get some better instructions, so i guessed a little, tweaked a little, improved a little (Mom said to use milk or 1/2 and 1/2...i used heavy cream..of course! Mom said if you want it to look nice you can add some crumbs, i said obviously i want it to look NICE! plus crumbs are yummy! I say if your gonna make a pie...... make a GOOD PIE!  so this i what i came up with......I called it Peach Crumb Pie but it could be called Peach Custard Pie too....cause its kinda custardy.
is that even a word?  

1 unbaked pie crust
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup flour
pinch of salt
3 large peaches
heavy whipping cream (shoot i forgot to measure) maybe like 1 cup...ish...sorry

1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup flour
3 TLBS butter, melted

combine brown sugar, flour & salt and put in bottom of your unbaked crust, slice peaches on top, pour your whipping cream over peaches.
combine all crumb ingredients and crumble on top, bake at 375 for 30 minutes, cool completely.

 combine flour, brown sugar & salt

 Yes i cheat and buy refrigerated pie crusts, so easy and i like that i can use my own pans.

 flour, sugar & salt mixture in the pan

   i forgot to measure the cream, so you can see in the picture about how much to add :)

ready for the oven

I was writing this post as the pie was cooling in the fridge and i had a piece just now....Oh my goodness it was delectable! i don't want to toot my own horn, was very good! i will leave it at that.


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